Gender Pay Statement 2024
We are an employer required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
This involves carrying out six calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of men and women in our organisation; it will not involve publishing individual employee
We are required to publish the results on our own website and the government gender pay website.
This was reported on the website on Monday 26th February 2024.
We can use these results to assess:
• the levels of gender equality in our workplace.
• the balance of male and female employees (members) at different levels.
• how effectively talent is being maximised and rewarded.
Gender Pay Reporting requires our organisation to make calculations based on employee gender. We will establish this by using our existing HR and PAYE payroll records.
Kingsland Drinks is an employee-owned business, we are an equal opportunities employer and offer an equal pay structure agreed with the two unions USDAW and UNITE, irrespective of
gender. Internally we employ more men (74%) than women (26%).
Our results show that overall, our gender pay gap is -3% which shows an improvement from 2023 (2.4%) and women earning slightly more per hour than men and lower than the national
average of 7.7%.
In respect of recruitment, staff are recruited under the same structure and their earning ability depends on their success and career progress.
All internal members are encouraged to grow and earn to their full potential. We are an Investor in People accredited business that encourages development. Any pay gap difference shown will
be a result of differing roles & bandings, however all members working in the same bandings will be earning the same rewards.
As an employee-owned business, we have a membership bonus that qualifying members are
We strive to continually improve our gender pay gap and will publish the results again in March
2025 as a requirement of the government initiative into equal pay.