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Jidvei wines come from Tarnave Vineyard, situated alongside the two Tarnava rivers and only 150 kilometres away from Sarmisegetuza, the cradle of the ancient Dacian civilization. It is the heart of a place filled with history and stories, some true, others only a figment of imagination that give Transylvania its charm.

With a millenia old history in grape growing and winemaking, the area became truly famous in the 1950s when the first organized production facility was set-up as a state company. In 1999, the company went private and 18 years later, with a vineyard surface of over 2500 hectares, the company is the perfect image of the blend of tradition and modernity, of wine passion and the newest winemaking techniques. The vines are planted at altitude between 200 – 500m, mostly on South facing slopes. Their key focus is on white wines. Feteasca Regala is largest area planted, followed by Sauvignon Blanc and 90% of the wines produced are at DOC level.

Available ex-cellar stock

Feteasca Regala, Sauvignon Blanc, Feteasca Alba, Pinot Grigio, Muscat, Traminer, Riesling, Chardonnay.

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